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Year 2022
Category International Journals
CV linkage Yes
Selected Yes
Author M. Lee, L. R. D. Sanz, A. Barra, A. Wolff, J. O. Nieminen, M. Boly, M. Rosanova, S. Casarotto, O. Bodart, J. Annen, A. Thibaut, R. Panda, V. Bonhomme, M. Massimini , G. Tononi, S. Laureys, O. Gosseries, and S.-W. Lee
Title Quantifying Arousal and Awareness in Altered States of Consciousness using Interpretable Deep Learning
Journal Name Nature Communications
Other Vol. 13, No. 1, 2022, pp. 1-14.
File  Quantifying arousal and awareness in altered states of consciousness using interpretable deep learning.pdf (2.0M) [466] DATE : 2022-02-28 10:25:03