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J.-S. Bang's paper has been accepted in IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems
이름 최고관리자 (admin@domain) 작성일 23-01-13 12:30 조회 2,507
우리 연구실의 아래 논문이 논문이 IF 상위 2.54% 저널인 IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems에 게재 허가되었습니다. 모두 축하해 주세요.

J.-S. Bang, D.-O. Won, T.-E. Kam, and S.-W. Lee, "Motion Sickness Prediction based on Dry EEG in Real Driving Environment," IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2023 (Accepted).

모두 축하해 주세요.

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