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Recent Publications

2024 Jun.,
"Edge Conditional Node Update Graph Neural Network for Multi-variate Time Series Anomaly Detection
" has been accepted in Information Sciences.
2024 Jun.,
"CIRF: Importance of Related Features for Plausible Counterfactual Explanations
" has been accepted in Information Sciences.
2024 Jun.,
"EmoSphere-TTS: Emotional Style and Intensity Modeling via Spherical Emotion Vector for Controllable Emotional Text-to-Speech
" has been accepted in Interspeech.
2024 Apr.,
"Baseline-Guided Representation Learning for Noise-Robust EEG Signal Classification
" has been accepted in EMBC.
2024 Apr.,
"Domain-Incremental Learning Framework for Continual Motor Imagery EEG Classification task
" has been accepted in EMBC.
2024 Apr.,
"Towards Speech Synthesis of Unconstrained Sentences from Speech-Related Biosignals
" has been accepted in EMBC.
2024 Apr.,
"Towards EEG-based Talking-face Generation for Brain Signal-driven Dynamic Communication
" has been accepted in EMBC.
2024 Apr.,
"Dynamic Multi-modal Fusion for Biosignal based Motion Sickness Prediction in Vehicle
" has been accepted in EMBC (Oral).
2024 Apr.,
"Proxy–based Masking Module for Revealing Relevance of Characteristics in Motor Imagery
" has been accepted in EMBC (Oral).
2024 Apr.,
"DiffProsody: Diffusion-based Latent Prosody Generation for Expressive Speech Synthesis with Prosody Conditional Adversarial Training
" has been accepted in IEEE Trans. on Audio, Speech and Language Processing.


H.-Y. Jo's paper has been accepted in Information Sciences 2024.06.17
H.-D. Kim's paper has been accepted in Information Sciences 2024.06.06
이성환 교수님, 한국인지과학회 학술상 수상 2024.05.26
이성환 교수님, 석탑연구상 9년 연속 수상 2024.05.08
H.-S. Oh's paper has been accepted in IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processin 2024.04.28
S.-W. Oh's paper has been accepted in IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engi… 2024.04.27
이성환 고려대 교수, 세계 권위 학회 ICASSP서 ‘BTS’를 외치다 2024.04.16
H.-J. Kim's paper has been accepted in Neural Networks 2024.04.14
이성환 교수님, ICASSP 2024 기조 강연자로 선정 2024.04.12
S.-W. Oh's paper has been accepted in IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 2024.04.04
G.-J. Yang's paper has been accepted in Neural Networks 2024.03.12
H.-J Kim's paper has been accepted in CVPR 2024.02.29
김근태 박사, 한림대학교 인공지능융합학부 조교수 임용 2024.01.25
J.-H. Jeong's paper has been accepted in IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 2024.01.17
J.-H. Park's paper has been accepted in Expert Systems With Applications 2024.01.15
S.-J. Kim's paper has been accepted in IEEE Trans. on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Enginee… 2024.01.15
이성환 교수님, 신년 인터뷰 2024.01.08
이상훈 박사, 아주대학교 소프트웨어학과 조교수 임용 2023.12.28
이성환 교수님, 한국공학한림원 정회원 선임 2023.12.27
S.-B. Kim's paper has been accepted in IEEE T-ASLP 2023.12.21
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